Crime Fighter BEAST (Bar Coded Evidence Analysis Statistics
and Tracking) software program provides Forensic Laboratory
Information Management System (LIMS) for crime labs and Evidence
Management System (EMS) for police agencies. The products are
integrated with Symbol Technologies PDF417 bar code to speed
evidence check-in. User defined Report Wizards are included
to assist in report writing and statistical data analysis. Database
information may be stored on Oracle servers. Porter Lee Corporation
provides Software, Hardware, Installation, Training, and Support.
Company Background/Growth History
Porter Lee Corporation started development in 1995 of a new
generation of evidence management products for Police Agencies
and Crime Labs. Mike Evans and Tim Smith were contracted by
the Northern Illinois Police Crime Lab (NIPCL) to develop software
that would satisfy ASCLD (American Society of Crime Lab Directors)
requirements for Crime Labs. A large part of evidence handling
at the Crime Lab occurs in the evidence receiving room. Using
PDF417 barcodes for data transfer allows the application to
maintain a seamless chain of custody record which includes the
police property room history while each item is online with
the Crime Lab. The overall goal was adjusted for the initial
contract, with the direction of Dr. Jane Homeyer, then the director
NIPCL supports 43 police departments in the northern area of
Chicago. Over half of the departments elected to purchase
the police property room management program to get online with
the Lab. This created an installed base in our local area to
direct the growth of our product. These departments ranged in
size from 20 officers to over 2000.
Porter Lee Corporation started marketing the products across
the United States and even acquired several international customers.
We have been very careful in growing the business at a manageable
pace that has enabled our customers to remain loyal. Our present
user community includes over 680 Police Departments and over
95 Forensic Crime Laboratories.
We continue to see a growth in this industry. Many states are
requiring forensic lab operations to be accredited by ASCLD/LAB.
ASCLD/LAB requires a level of evidence handling and reporting,
which leads our customers to bar coding. We still remain the
only provider of an evidence management system that can bar
code evidence at the scene, track it through the property room,
to the crime lab, and back to the final disposition. |
Contact Us
Corporate Office
1901 Wright Blvd.
Schaumburg, Illinois 60193
Phone: (847) 985-2060
Fax: (847) 584-0556
Sales & Demonstrations
Phone: (847) 985-2060
Technical Support
Phone: (847) 985-2060
LIMS Support:
Police Support: